time!! Yikes
However I have had a lot of fun... so I really shouldn't complain.
One of my goals for the summer was to go hiking. I was able to climb Chinamans Peak (this is a beautiful mountain close to Canmore, AB).
This is at the very top of the mountain.... I have to admit that I had shaky knees at this point...I am not a fan of heights. But the view was definitely worth it. Also, when we started the hike it was 28 C and when we made it to the top it was around 0 C.... note the snow in the background. It was very crazy experiencing such a drastic climate change in that short of a time period.
Here is another view from the top. At the very bottom you can see the beautiful Canmore.
I was also surprised by the mountain goats. They were all over the road licking the salt... Very CUTE!
This summer I developed Celiacs Disease, so I have been spending a lot of time trying to make yummy gluten free recipes. One of my favorites cooking books is Make it Paleo. So far every recipe has been delicious.... and I am no longer missing certain foods.
Ok... that is a lie... I will always miss perogies... sniffle.
Here are some yummy creations:
Pork with mango chutney and veggies.
Breakfast Burrito! The wrap is an egg and it is filled with ground beef, homemade salsa, guacamole, and red peppers.
Lastly... I have spent some time this summer at the Calgary Stampede. This year was the 100th anniversary so I felt the need to go a couple times. My favorite things were:
- watching the chuck wagon races
- Paul Brandt at the Grandstand Show
- and having VIP passes to the barns
Being behind the scenes at the barns was amazing!! I have really high standards for how horses should taken care of in these facilities and I was blown away by the superb care these animals received. I also fell in love with this horse Cash. He loved to smell my breath and then turn his nose up at me. What a cutie!!
I wish I could say that I have some lazy days coming up.... but that is not happening.. too much fun in the works. I have to leave now and get ready for the driving range :)
Happy Blogging.

Hi Amy - I love your blog design, it is sweet! Plus you are the first Canadian teacher I have found since I started blogging. I want to someday go to The Calgary Stampede and just out West period. I live just outside of Montreal, but have not travelled out West yet. So glad I found you, sounds like you've had a great summer so far:)
Hi Leslie! So glad you found me. I also get super excited when I find fellow Canadian bloggers. I have had a great summer and you definitely need to head west soon!