Here are some of the things that I have loved:
Making a classroom wordle for your door or bulletin board. If you haven't used wordle before I suggest you check it out... very cute and easy to use.
I thought this was an awesome example of PBS (positive behaviour system). When a student finds themselves in trouble they can pick a random act of kindness job. May not work for every situation, but I thought it was a really cute idea that would promote a positive classroom community.
Story Sticks!! Do you ever have a student that spends the whole class "thinking" of an idea and never puts a thought down on paper. Well I do!! And instead of finding myself frustrated I will use this idea instead.
Yellow = character, Red = conflict, Green = setting, Blue = "Special". The student chooses one of each and then they make up a story based on what they got.
This idea made me giggle... but I think in an elementary setting this could be very effective. Each day you choose from the jar a mystery person and that person will not know until the end of the day. If they behaved in line, listened and followed directions, they would receive a surprise and their name on the wall of fame. If that person did not behave the mystery person would not be told and their name would go back into the jar. I thought it was another great positive way to approach classroom management.
Now some of my non teaching pins..
Grapefruit and Mint Mojito......
Happy Monday!!