I found
Misty's post about Professional Portfolios very interesting and so I wanted to show you MY professional portfolio.
As a requirement to graduate, we had to maintain a Professional Portfolio throughout our student teaching practicums. It was also required as a "Talking Piece" in our final assessment. I have used my portfolio in interviews if I feel as though it will add to the conversation, however I do not rely upon it. In my last interview it didn't leave my bag sadly, but I didn't feel like it was needed.
The outside is very plain... Misty has some beautiful Portfolio covers for your binder at her TPT store.. I may need to update mine.
Then when you open it up I have extra copies of my resume on the left side and on the right side I have my table of contents.
If you cant see in the picture, my table of contents has:
1. Resume
2. My Credo (this explains what I think a successful teacher is, and my knowledge, skills, and attributes for teaching)
3. Practicum Reports (This has my evaluations from all 4 of my student teaching practicums)
4. Lesson Plans (I organized this by practicum, my most recent practicum at the front and my latest at the back. I only picked one significant lesson plan from each practicum)
5. Unit Plans (This is similar to my lesson plan format)
6. Assessment (I outlined the different types of assessment i have used and I gave an example of a Unit test that I created)
7. Classroom Management (I discuss different techniques that I have used, and why classroom management is important)
8. Attributes and Experiences that Contribute to Teaching (These are skills that I have that contribute to my carrer as a teacher. For example: I was a tutor for a Grade 12 Biology and Math student while I attended university. I also donated my personal art creations to a school fundraiser.)
9. Letters of Recomendation
10. Professional Development Project: Math Games (my final practicum required me to develop my own PD project. I focused on math games and I included this in my portfolio)
This is my Credo page. You can see at the bottom of the page there are
stickers with numbers. Each sticker represents a different KSA
(knowledge, skill, or attribute) that I demonstrated.
This is an example of my lesson plan. It also has a KSA sticker at the
bottom that says "the teacher understands that students can learn,
albeit at different rates and in different ways". In this lesson I
provided different strategies in order to solve the problem (hands on
manipulative, pictures, diagrams) so that every learner style could
This was one of my first ever lessons! I read the Velveteen Rabbit to a
Grade 1 class. After we finished the book the students had to describe
and create the rabbit at the beginning and at the end of the story.
Each rabbit was made out of cloth that I pre-cut for the class.
This is an example of my Vincent Van Gogh art. On the right hand side
of the picture I have the notes the mentor wrote while I taught the
This is a social studies lesson I created for a Grade 1-2-3 class. I
made Canadian Passports and we traveled to different locations and
learned about the culture there. We would board the plane (I would let
off certain individuals at each stop.... this was great for classroom
management because I controlled the group choice), have our passport
stamped, and take notes in our travel journal.
This was an example of a Unit Plan I created with another teacher. I
also took some pictures of our final projects to add some color to my
I included this page in my Assessment section. This was the first unit
test I ever created.... as you can see the my little cartoon drawings..
(the kiddos really liked the test).
Lastly, this is my professional development project. I made a total of 4
books. I had to submit one to my professor, one to my mentor, I left
one with the school, and kept one for myself.
So what do you think??? I am curious how other teachers have their professional portfolio organized. I followed my universities guidelines and changed some things for myself. I also suggest checking out Misty's portfolio ideas on her blog. I found it very interesting.